
インドネシアのジャカルタで隔年開催される同人誌即売会Comic Frontier a.k.a.
で頒布されるEvaria Records様の東方コンピCDに参加しました! HardstyleやGabberが入っています!!!


New release from us with touhou theme !

1. sandstroke - Red Bloom on Your Blue
2. pocotan - Scarlet Drive
3. Koushif - Conceptual Ideology
4. audioTopia - 刑罰のManifesto
5. Eiyan - Eastern Land
6. sc.orz - The Kingdom of Ice Queen

Available at Comifuro 13!
Sunday, 8 September 2019
there will also be a lot of music circles besides us so look forward to it!

thank you to the guest artist who helped fill this album!
- @sandymaccorzeta (Vibetronic/Indonesia)
- @pocotan (Login Records/Japan)

and thank you to jacket illustrator!
- da_aster (